Monday, October 03, 2005


So I received news of the most triumphant persuasion tonight. My friend Justin finally found the link to the emulator for greatest game of all time: JOURNEY ESCAPE!!! The object of the game, as is clearly stated in the instruction manual (Justin notes that this version is, unfortunately, minus the excellent photographs, no doubt pertaining to Steve Perry and his suit of rock and roll armor) is to get Journey past all the groupies and other people trying to steal their money and into the "Scarab Escape Vehicle". Much obliged, Justin. As if senior year didn't have enough distractions.

I played frisbee tonight, for the second week in a row going three on three. Considering that's the only exercise I get all week, running with that number of people is pretty brutal. We need young kids out there because they actually run.

We finally got cable today, ending a four day standoff with Comcast. They, with their vast arsenal of predatory vans just cruising along to pick you up, and we, on Uber Street, with nothing but our boredom and need for more than one channel. They installed it today, but we don't get some very important channels, like VH1 (Wayne's World 2 was on), History Channel (where something about WWII was on, no doubt), and Spike, where Road House was on...twice! They may take our episodes of "Michael Ian Black Pretends To Remember Decades," but they can't take our Swayze...


At 5:36 PM, Blogger Drew said...

BC (before cable) we had the cable from the back of the TV duct-taped to a Miller High Life can to get reception. Shit sucked. I'm not really at a point in my life to even consider forming any thoughts on the Journey video game, so I'm just going to pretend that I didn't read that.


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