Sunday, February 05, 2006

Not much

Not too much to report on this end. Just got back from New York, finally started writing an essay on the city. What a weird place.

Steelers won. Some might ask how much stuff Danno has set on fire; I would ask how much stuff he hasn't.

I love doing the Collegian, but sometimes it gets to be a burden. Thank goodness I only have one page, no writers, and no real layout or time consumption. Sucks to be Drew and Lou, though. (Real editors.)

Daggers is (hypothetically) going into the studio this weekend. I'm more skeptical than last time, but still filled with youthful optimism. I'll be more impressed when we get there and start recording.

More art and writing forthcoming. Also, had my first idea for a comic in over two years, so we'll see how that goes.

1)People who put their name/nickname/initials/prison name at the top of their AIM profiles crack me up
2) I really, really hate people who have music on the myspace profile.
3) The Cure is still pretty good, especially since I buy my earrings at Hot Topic.
4) I'm quite ravenous.
5) Ravenous is a good word.
6) Still hate Facebook.
7) List of good words forthcoming, a collaborative effort between Drew and I. Suggestions?


At 12:50 AM, Blogger Paul Tsikitas said...

Two things. 1. Danno didnt burn much, but we did run around the parking lot a lot lot. 2. You may hate me for having music in my myspace, but you shop at Hot Topic. Fag.

PS- The code to let me post this looks like it says Estevez. Joe or Emilio?

At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey i have a question about your post drew. please email me: tomscience ((at)) gmail ((dot)) com


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